Static Dancer Roll (SDR)

The Static Dancer Roll replaces the conventional dancer roller or tuner roller on a wire drawing machine. With the conventional roller, the combination of high heat, draw lube contamination, and general wear causes wire surface scratching, ball bearing seizure, and constant maintenance.

Operation Problem
Spindle downtime caused by bearing failure in various rotating guides: tensioning/dancer rolls, roller boxes, traversing guides

Sjogren Innovation
Static, non-rotating guides that utilize carbide rails to provide years of functionality with minimal service


• Light weight
• No bearings, non-rotating
• High wear, low Friction tungsten carbide rods
• Easily installed in any application
• Extremely long life with multiple wear surfaces
• Reduces maintenance cost
• Machine downtime is reduced significantly
• Prevents wire surface damage and scratching

Case Study
Initial trial data indicates that SDR shows little to no wear after two and a half years of operation. If wear becomes apparent, a simple rod adjustment (less than one minute) can provide a new surface with no downtime for the line.

• Non-rotating: guides never experience bearing failure
• No spindle uptime lost to replacement or maintenance of bearing-based guides
• Multiple applications: can be used to permanently replace components of dancer rolls, roller boxes, traversing guides, etc.

We have replaced many conventional tuner rollers with the static wire guides. In time all will be replaced. The static rolls are second to none. Some have been on the machines 18 months. The static rolls will save your wire mill money, down time, and improves quality of the wire. I have found no cons, just all pros.

Dan Rosenbaum
Plant Superintendent
Leggett and Platt

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NEW MACHINE! – Matsuura MAM72-35V PC-32

Sjogren has long been an industry leader and continues to deliver customized, factory-floor innovations that provide some of the greatest efficiencies in the field. We have recently added some new equipment to our facility, including a Matsuura MAM72-35V PC-32. You...

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